Fiber Port Cluster 2 ⇾ x dichroic

Compact, rugged and highly efficient opto-mechanical unit for splitting/combining multiple ports

Fiber Port Cluster_2-3_LP
Fiber Port Cluster_2-3_LP


Fiber Port Cluster for two input sources with differing wavelengths
  • Configuration 2 ⇾ x
  • Superposition using a dichroic mirror or using a polarization beam splitter in combination with a dichroic wave plate
  • Highly efficient coupling into polarization-maintaining fiber cables
  • Adjustable splitting ratio
  • Compact, rugged, transportable and sealed opto-mechanical units
  • Fully fiber-coupled
  • Very high long-term stability, efficiency and reproducability


The Fiber Port Clusters are compact opto-mechanical units that combine two fiber-coupled sources with differing wavelengths and then splits the combined radiation into multiple output fiber cables with high efficiency and variable splitting ratio.

Optical Setup
The two input ports are fiber-coupled to PM fiber cables. Polarizers define the input polarization which is necessary for a long term stable splitting ratio.
Two photo diodes right after each input port allow for a continuous monitoring of the radiation. The two differing input sources are superimposed either by means of a dichroic mirror (long pass) or by a polarization beam splitter followed by a dichroic wave plate.
Subsequently, the radiation splitting is achieved by using a cascade of rotary half-wave plates in combination with polarization beam splitters. By use of the rotary half-wave plates, almost any desired splitting ratio can be achieved.
At the output ports further polarizers are placed in order to define the polarization at output of the system.

Fiber Couplers
A fundamental component of a Fiber Port Cluster is the Laser Beam Coupler, which is the input into the opto-mechanical unit collimating the input radiation and, finally, couples the radiation back into the polarization-maintaining fiber cables. The stability of the total Fiber Port Cluster is determined by the stability of the laser beam coupler.


Order options

Order Code  ConfigurationDichroicWavelengthsSpecial Feature
48-FPC-2-2_dc-xxx_Mod012 ⇾ 2 dcdichroic767 + 780 nm (others on request) El. Shutters at input and output ports
48-FPC-2-3_lp-xxx2 ⇾ 3 lplong pass399 + 556, 403 + 461, 780 + 852 nm (others on request) 
48-FPC-2-3_dc-xxx2 ⇾ 3 dcdichroic767 + 780 nm (others on request)  
48-FPC-2-6_lp-xxx2 ⇾ 6 lplong pass461 + 689 nm (others on request) 
48-FPC-2-6_dc-xxx2 ⇾ 6 dcdichroic767 + 780 nm (others on request) 


Article_Cluster.pdf (Technote)
Fiber-Cluster_White-paper_1-6_StabilityTest.pdf (Technote)

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