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Green Machine Vision Laser Line with a fan angle and uniform intensity distribution

Series 13LR/13LRM and 13LN/13LNM

Laserdiodenstrahlquelle Serie 13LR grün
Laserdiodenstrahlquelle Serie 13LR grün
Representative product images. Individual product images are found on the individual product pages.
Green Machine Vision LaserGreen
Micro Line Generator for small laser line widths and high power density in the focal planeMicro
Macro Line Generator for extended depth of focusMacro


Green machine vision laser line with a fan angle and approx. uniform intensity distribution. They are available as Micro (smaller line widths) or Macro version (extended depth of focus).
  • Fan angle
  • Approx. uniform intensity distribution
  • Laser Line Generator series 13LR
    • Line widths (green line) starting at 26 µm
    • Wavelengths 405 - 940 nm
    • Laser powers (green line) up to 71 mW
  • Laser Line Generator series 13LRM
    • Depth of focus 4 times larger than for corresponding Micro Laser Line Generator
    • Line widths (green line) starting at 62 µm
    • Wavelengths 405 - 940 nm
    • Laser powers (green line)  up to 40 mW


The laser diode beam sources series 13LR/13LRM produce laser lines with a fan angle and approx. uniform intensity distribution along the laser line. 

13LR vs. 13LN
The lasers of series 13LR produce laser lines with a fixed fan angle of 12°, 25° or 40° with a constant line width and approx. uniform intensity distribution along the laser line. The fine-structure is a chain of equidistant dots with a spacing of approx. the line width. The line width is constant along the laser line. Across the laser line the intensity distribution is Gaussian for lasers of series 13LR and approx. Gaussian for lasers of Series 13LRM.

Micro and Macro lasers
The lasers of series 13LR are Laser Micro Line Generators designed to produce lines with small line width. They have a small depth of focus (in this case the depth of focus is the Rayleigh range). Laser Macro Line Generators like the corresponding lasers of series 13LRM have common basic optical features but are designed to generate laser lines with an extended depth of focus.

The lasers have integrated electronics for control of the laser output power. The output power can be controlled using the modulation input ports (TTL and analog) or manually using the potentiometer. Optionally the lasers can be equipped with RS232 serial interface for laser control and data read-out.

Adjusting the working distance
For lasers of series 13LR/13LRM the working distance can be adjusted by adjusting the focus setting. Please note that beam parameters like line length and line width increase proportionally to the working distance. Additionally a fine-adjustment of the distance between laser and target is recommended for fine-focusing and minimal line width.

These high quality lasers can e.g. be used for machine vision applications, laser triangulation or laser light sectioning.



Article_LaserLines.pdf (Technote)

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