Laser Modules with RS232 interface

Laser Line/Focus Generators with RS232 interface provide control of laser power and allow to read and store critical data.
- Input Parameters:
- Laser power
- Laser output power limit
- Mode of operation
- Laser ON/OFF
- Output Parameters:
- Laser current (mA)
- Photo diode current (µA)
- Temperature
- Laser output power (%)
- Operating voltage
- Hours of operation
- Min./max. temperature
Electrical features
Laser Modules with RS232 interface are either equipped with electronics type CS or PS. The lasers have two AND-wired modulation input channels, Uanalog and UTTL.
Details on the respective electrical features including pinout and modulation can be found here:
Data Read-out using USB

Switchbox SBS070701-USB
Switchbox SBS070701-USB
In order to control and read-out data using an USB port the Switchbox SBS070701-USB
has to be used as interface between the power supply and the laser.