Lumberg Connectors

For the laser sources Schäfter+Kirchhiff uses electrical connectors of type Lumberg IEC 61076-2-106.
The number of pins depend on the supply voltage and the way how to control the laser in terms of modulation input ports or serial interface.
Some of these connectors are offered separately. As an option they already are wired in order to use them as quick start or interlock connectors.


Interlock connector for use with the fiber-coupled laser sources of series 51nano-S 
and 51nanoFI-S. The interlock pins are bridged.

For connecting a custom power supply to a laser with 5 V supply power.
  • Type Lumberg KV50
  • 5 pin, female
  • Compatible connectors: SV50 and SV30
For connecting a custom power supply to a laser with 12 V supply power.
  • Type Lumberg KV40
  • 4 pin, female
  • Compatible connectors: SV40
For connecting a custom power supply to a laser with 5 V supply power and with serial interface.
  • Type Lumberg KV70
  • 7 pin, female
  • Compatible connectors: SV70
  • For laser with electronics CS and PS
Connector for modulation and interlock of all fiber-coupled laser sources of series 51nano-S 
  • Type Lumberg KV60
  • 6 pin, female

For connecting a custom laser to a 5 V switchbox
  • Type Lumberg SV50
  • 5 pin, male
  • Compatible connectors: KV50