
Software for the SK010PA Polarization Analyzer

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The software SKPolarization Analyzer is part of the standard delivery of the SK010PA Polarization Analyzers. The software provides following features
  • Polarization extinction ratio (PER) measurement
  • Adjustment support for PM-fiber-coupling of high and low coherent sources
  • Measurement results can be logged and saved
  • Log file of measurements over a designated time
  • Calibration of polarization zero phase and resetting to the original factory settings
  • Integration of the polarimeter in customizable software with DLL


The software SKPolarizationAnalyzer is needed for the operation of the SK010PA Polarization Analyzers. Details on the different functions can be found in the software manual. 

External programming

All software features of the SKPolarizationAnalyzer software can be included in a software project produced by or for a customer. This applies to all dialog ­boxes for the input of different parameters, all graphical ­displays and the measurement of the ­extinction ratio of the polarization-maintaining single-mode fibers.
For integrating it into a ­customized soft­ware application, only three ­functions are needed to obtain a single measurement point: Initialize, start the polarization analyzer, and make a measurement.


Software file (Software file)
Software file (Software file, for registered users only)
SKPolarimeterDLL-Manual4_6_4.pdf (Manual)
SKPolarimeterDLL-Manual4_6_4.pdf (Manual, for registered users only)
SKPolarimeterManagedDLL-Manual4_6_4.pdf (Manual)
SKPolarimeterManagedDLL-Manual4_6_4.pdf (Manual, for registered users only)

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Polarization Analyzer SK010PA

Measurement tool for coupling into polarization-maintaining fiber cables