Software for scanner control and evaluation of corrosion phenomena

Line Signal View
Line Signal View
Area Scan View
Area Scan View
Area Scan View with analysis results
Area Scan View with analysis results
Analysis results for filiform corrosion
Analysis results for filiform corrosion
Analysis results for counting of all filaments / GSB
Analysis results for counting of all filaments / GSB
Analysis results for delamination and corrosion
Analysis results for delamination and corrosion
Analysis results for stone impact resistance
Analysis results for stone impact resistance
Corrosion Inspector: The complete image is marked using the trained machine learning algorithm.
The complete image is marked using the trained machine learning algorithm.
Corrosion Inspector: Finally, the measurement results are shown for blister sizes and blister expansions.
Finally, the measurement results are shown for blister sizes and blister expansions.


  • NEW: With trainable machine learning algorithm!
  • Controlling camera, translation unit and light
  • Saving and loading of the parameters for the acquisition and analyzation
  • Image manipulation (e.g. gamma, histogram equalization, region of interest)
  • Evaluations according to
    • Filiform corrosion according to ISO21227-4
    • Delamination and corrosion acc. to ISO 4628-8
    • Cross-cut classification according to DIN EN ISO 2409
    • Edge corrosion characteristic according to MBN 10494-6
    • Blistering according to DIN EN ISO 4628-2
    • Stone impact resistance test according to DIN EN ISO 20567-1
    • Counting of all filaments, maximum length l, r
    • Evaluation according to GSB, ACT II, Qualicoat


The software SKan-CI offers a simple control for the camera, the translation unit and the illumination. After scanning the test sample, you have a wide range of image manipulation functions to get the best input for the analysis.

SKan-CI automatically recognizes a predefined set of scribe patterns and also automatically assigns, measures and ranks the corrosion and delamination areas, infiltration patches, filament lengths and their distribution frequency. When desired, the interactive and manual measurement of corrosive phenomena can be performed by the operator.

The SKan-CI program saves the accepted corrosion analysis results as images and tabular data, together with the treatment and analytical processing information, for retrieval, comparison and documentation.

The software supports also the offline evaluation, without a connection to the Corrosion Inspector hardware. After loading a stored image, grayscaled or color, the corrosion phenomena can be evaluated with all available methods. With it an independent reanalysis or a new evaluation is possible.

New! Trainable machine learning algorithm for difficult samples
In reality, the corrosion test panels are not always perfectly prepared. Structures and scratches in the background often directly interfere with the automatic detection of corrosion.
The latest software version includes a new feature that uses a trainable machine-learning algorithm for separating actual corrosion and background effects.
The example shows a scribed panel that has been exposed to a salt spray test. The task is to measure the size and the expansion of blisters caused by infiltrated corrosion that are close to the scribes. Due the aggressive environment, the image has a difficult background with visual smears and structures. In some cases, the blisters are barely distinguishable from the background.

Step 1: Annotations
The operator simply marks typical structures of interest such as background, blister and scribe areas in user-defined colors.
Step 2: Training the algorithm
The algorithm then assigns the background, the blisters and the scribes using the trained algorithm.
Step 3: Measurement
The software measures the expansion and the size of the blisters. Once trained, the following panels are processed using the trained algorithm.

Corrosion Inspector: Image of a test panel exposed to a salt spray test
Image of a test panel exposed to a salt spray test
Corrosion Inspector: Annotations to mark background, blisters and scribes. The inset shows the assignment of colors: scribe in black, background in green and blisters in red.
Annotations to mark background, blisters and scribes. The inset shows the assignment of colors: scribe in black, background in green and blisters in red.
Corrosion Inspector: The complete image is marked using the trained machine learning algorithm.
The complete image is marked using the trained machine learning algorithm.

Technical data


Line signal, variable scan lengths, ROI
Filiform corrosion according to ISO21227-4
Delamination and corrosion acc. to ISO 4628-8
Testing of stone impact resistance, ISO 20567-1
Counting of all filaments, maximum length l, r
GSB, ACT II, Qualicoat
Image formats
PNG and Bitmap with pixel size embedded
Color and grayscale
Export formats
Excel sheet, original image, binary result image
System requirements
Operating system
Windows 10
Intel Core i7 or AMD Ryzen 7
min. 16 GB
Gigabit Ethernet
2 ports