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Company Policy

Statement of Company Policy


Schäfter+Kirchhoff GmbH is an optical technologies company specializing in the provision of customized solutions and products. We are primarily a supplier to customers and clients from science, research and industry, worldwide, of components in small to medium product series. We create long-lasting, crisis-proof partnerships with our customers and accompany them through many generations of their applications and end-products. This success arises from the acclaimed precision, quality, reliability and durability of our products, the competent advice provided by our employees, our flexibility in response to customer requirements, and our care in the manufacture of the products.

Customers & Clients

We strive to be a select partner for our customers and clients by offering custom-made products and solutions of evident quality and reliability at understandable prices. We are driven by the needs and expectations of our clients in order to ensure the complete fulfilment of their requirements and with the express aim of gaining satisfaction of even the most demanding of customers.

Company Management

The company management encourages the high performance and motivation of all staff members within an open and communicative partnership to produce a working atmosphere of empowerment, active contribution and personal responsibility.


Our team is the most important resource of the company. It is their knowledge, experience, skills and commitment that make up the quality and distinctiveness of our products. We actively develop and promote the skills and performance of all colleagues through targeted training, assistance, feedback and confrontation with challenging tasks in order to increase their commitment, creativity, motivation and, ultimately, performance.

Quality Management / Continuous Improvement

The company management is committed to providing the framework for the quality management system to achieve its intended results. Undesirable consequences are eliminated where possible or at least reduced to a minimum. Any inadequacy arising in the system is systematically investigated and improvements introduced to continuously enhance the quality management system.

The company management ensures that all legal and other requirements are fulfilled for which the company has committed itself. 

The company management undertakes to provide contingency plans for dealing with risks and opportunities in a targeted manner. These plans include the measures required for implementation and integration into the quality management system and the checks and controls necessary for testing and evaluating the success of the implementation.

Our declared goal is the continuous improvement of the working conditions that stimulate productivity and performance as well as ensuring the responsible design of safety, health and environmental protection, which together establishes an open and fair working climate that motivates each and every member of the team to improve themselves.
Schäfter+Kirchhoff attaches great importance to the physical and mental health, safety and well-being of all employees; teamwork based on mutual trust and respect; personal commitment, individual participation as well as the integrity and reliability of each contributor. 

Our activities are guided by the continuous improvement process CIP with the objective of optimizing all operational processes. Each member of staff is responsible for the quality of their own work. The company management and staff members constantly monitor all processes with the aim of driving quality, productivity and innovation even further, in order to transfer these into products and services of the highest quality.
Every member of staff has the right and duty to work towards eliminating any hindrance that prevents the manufacture of products of impeccable quality.

Economic Efficiency

Our control processes include assessments of precision, safety, efficiency, time and costs and are optimized to increase our productivity and profitability, ensuring the successful short-term entrenchment and stabilization of our market position as well as its expansion and improvement in the medium term.

Environment & Society

We contribute to sustainable social development and promote economic growth through our activities. We want our products to serve the further development of science, research and industry. We strive to ensure that all our activities are devoted for the benefit of all people regardless of gender, color, culture or sexual orientation, and serve peaceful purposes. We do not want our products to be used in or for the development of weapons of mass destruction.

We preserve and protect our environment continuously by the adoption of environmentally conscious methods and materials in the work process.