The retardation optics type 48WP-2-780-1-795 is a half-wave plate that allows the polarization rotation of linearly polarized radiation of the wavelength 780 nm, while the state of polarization of 795 nm is unaffected. It has a rotary mount and is designed to be integrated into the
multicube system.
- Quartz plate, multiple order
- Retardation λ/2 for the wavelength 780 nm
- Retardation λ/1 for the wavelength 795 nm (polarization is not affected)
- Clear aperture 5 mm
- In adjustable mount with self-locking tubular axis (0 - 360°)
- Rotation around axis that is inclined 2° with respect to the optical axis. This avoids interference and back-reflection
- System mount Ø 19.5 mm
- Adjustable using Schäfter+Kirchhoff Polarization Analyzer series SK010PA.